The full moon does have an effect. I find myself both mesmerized by its brilliance and taunted in (and mostly out) of sleep by its bright pull on the inner and outer psyche. The full moon and its fans get all the showy attention, but I have always been fond […]
Revisiting a great pumpkin muffin
I have prided myself on trying new recipes in this blog space. It’s as if it’s a better gamble or a more promising adventure if I have not made something before. We always have our eyes on the new, unnamed, undiscovered proposition. Sometimes, though, with recipes, you shouldn’t turn your […]
Cookie of the month: Slicing a coconut cookie
This year I got the jump on holiday cookie baking in November. This wasn’t just me working early for cookie’s sake. I had a deadline in mid-November for a column I was writing on slice-and-bake cookies for Kansas Country Living, so by late October/early November, I was making cookie doughs […]
Cookie of the Month: Prioritizing pumpkin for ‘brownies’
[D]espite my misgivings about all things pumpkin spice (which is mainly due to its too-earliness, if anything), I know that a little pumpkin — and its accompanying spice — can conjure up something delicious. Sometimes, on the way to one thing, another is discovered. This was the case for my […]
Bread of the Month: Falling for a cider-flavored loaf
[B]y August, after a long summer, I’m beginning to crave a taste of fall. Not in the pumpkin spice sort of way (did those PSL’s come out even earlier this year?), but more in the direction of an apple kind of craving. I saw a recipe for an apple cider […]
Cookie of the Month: Having more fun with blondies
[M]y idea of blondies (bar cookies, not actual blondes) was that they were simply chocolate chip cookie dough, spread into a pan and baked. Not necessarily so, as I discovered when I checked into recipes for them. Had I ever really made an actual blondie? I realized I had not. […]
Bread of the Month: Picking peaches for ‘cobbler’ muffins
I started seeing peach cobbler recipes everywhere not long ago, even in my dreams. While a true peach cobbler is definitely on my horizon (it ranks at the top of all cobblers for me), I settled on a little twist — in the form of a muffin — to tide […]
Bread of the Month: Celebrating strawberries, streusel in a scone
[I] would wager that, in the spring, when grocery shoppers across this country get a hankering for strawberry shortcake, strawberry pie, strawberry…anything, that don’t give a moment’s thought to the fact that most of the strawberries they’re buying come from the productive fields of California, from Oxnard to Watsonville. My […]
Bread of the Month: Weaving a wish for peace
[O]f all the unrest in recent years, the war in Ukraine has unsettled me significantly. Perhaps it is the timing. As we just seemed to be stepping forward, out of the shadow of a horrifying and destructive pandemic, we began to witness new horrors waged on a particular people, who […]
Cookie of the Month: ‘Butting’ in for Easter cookies
[B]unny butts have weighed “heavily” on my mind for the last year or so. Having re-entered rabbit parenting after some time away from it (adopting a colorful, fluffy, lively fellow named Zydeco), I’ve become more aware of the popularity of rabbits from their humans who post about them on social […]