Tag: cream

Hushing with a sweet Charlotte

“Curving back within myself, I create again and again.” —Bhagavad Gita [I]n recent years, I’ve pondered the word “faith” a lot. I think it’s a term most associated with religion, but beyond that, it is, I think, a firm, reliant belief that there is something beyond us, taking care of […]

Chomping at a Welsh rarebit

[I]t was long ago when I first ran across a recipe for “Welsh rarebit” or “Welsh rabbit,” as it is sometimes called. As a girl who studied cookbooks, I couldn’t have been that old, but I was certainly intrigued and excited by a melty cheese sauce dish that was named […]

Honoring the patron saint of pastry

“…there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” — William Shakespeare [I]t’s ironic that each year, I make a birthday cake for myself (but mainly for my blog, since we share birthdays). Because, to be honest, on the list of desserts I favor, cake ranks low. […]

Guest Kitchen: Presenting Pavlova to a ballerina

[W]hen I first began conversing with Al Dente Floyd at work, he gave me his mother’s phone number, saying, “Since you do the food thing, you might want to talk to her — she has a lot of recipes.” But, he admonished, “Whatever you do, DON’T talk to her about […]

Springing forward with mushrooms, leeks

[S]pring heralds with it certain tastes, pushing up like new grass in a warming earth. I find myself craving mushrooms, and I know why. Years ago, our springs were spent in pursuit of them in the wild. While other families played miniature golf, we scavenged the brush- and tree-clotted timber, […]

Simmering in the wake of hot chocolate

[S]ometimes it is necessary to fall under a spell. And my potion of choice recently has been hot chocolate. I have been inspired in the past and of late by a beautiful little film called Chocolat (2000), which has its own mystical properties. Based on the novel by Joanne Harris, […]