Tag: parmesan cheese

Bread of the Month: Oiling up an herb-y scone

Sometimes, all the planets (or ingredients and time of the year) align in order to make the right recipe. I was recently thumbing through my original favorite scone book, “Biscuits and Scones,” (Clarkson N. Potter; 1988) by Elizabeth Alston. You would think I had made every recipe in the book, […]

Trusting in a go-to mushroom parmigiana

[I]’ll admit, I’m a little too attached to instructions. My sister and I kid each other about this difference between us — she is more of a “freestyle” cook who invents and improvises (sans measuring spoons and cups), while I refer strictly to a recipe, allowing myself a few adaptations. […]

Bread of the Month: Mastering great garlic bread

[I]’ve eaten a lot of good garlic bread, even making some myself (often an herb-infused-in-olive oil version), but I had not eaten GREAT garlic bread until I sat down at the table of Liboria Salerno (for more about her, please see blog entry, “Presenting Pavlova to a ballerina” of 6/16). […]

Picking a perky pesto

I first learned of nasturtiums several years ago when they were included in a planned herb garden kit. The seeds were large and legume-like, similar — to me, at least — to garbanzo beans. I planted them, along with parsley, thyme, borage, sage, etc., having little to no idea of […]

Loving bacon, wrong or right

This is a love story of sorts. Like many women, I am drawn to an individual that is – according to many — no good for me, yet I cannot resist. Our encounters are illicit and all-too-infrequent, whether they take place in public places or the privacy of my home. […]