Tag: smoothie

Baked Sunday Mornings: Smoothing it out with green tea

I’ve seen a whole lotta matcha these last few years. The concentrated green tea powder has greened up everything from scones to cheesecake, even bringing grassy color to glaze on donuts. [T]hough I love the health properties in green tea (it’s said to pack a wallop of antioxidants, boost metabolism […]

Scaring up a spicy pumpkin smoothie

[I]t happens every year. The light changes,becoming slanted and long-shadowed. Night comes more quickly. Leaves rattle dry whispers. And nearly every possible incarnation of pumpkin appears! This is by no means a complaint, but at times, the pumpkin-flavored this and that doth seem an over-saturation. I love pumpkins. I love […]